Abeeway enables tracking and tracing of vehicles, goods, and mobile resources
With our Track & Trace solution, we bring organizations, logistics companies, and the entire supply chain automated solutions, transparency, and more effective processes.

Location tracking of mobile non-powered assets
With our Track & Trace solution, we bring organizations, logistics companies, and the entire supply chain automated solutions, transparency, and more effective processes.
Small, battery-powered Abeeway tracking devices with embedded LoRaWAN™ connectivity are securely mounted onto your moving assets, such as trucks, containers, parcels, boats, and more. Those devices collect real-time location status, running for years without changing the battery. They also work both indoors and outdoors eliminating worries of losing connectivity.
Achieve live visibility of your moving assets at any point and quickly trace and correct inefficiencies – streamlining field operations, reducing delay costs, and improving client service levels. Ensure greater transparency, security, and efficiency as Abeeway provides seamless tracking of transit between outdoor and indoor locations.
Enjoy a reliable, versatile, and adaptable service that provides accurate, responsive location and easily integrates with third-party software. We provide you the location-based services you need, whether industrial or personal, ideally suited to a diversity of use cases.
Implement tracking and monitoring across your entire organization with our easily deployable and scalable intelligent multi-technology geolocation system whether for department-level use case or Proof-of-Concept. The battery longevity of our maintenance-free devices and the simple deployment of the low-power LoRaWAN™ network bring you cost-efficient CAPEX and OPEX.
Low-Power Location Trial Package
This Proof-of-Concept package allows you to quickly test with technical support the smart tracking capabilities of the Abeeway devices combined with LoRaWAN connectivity from Actility, the LoRaWAN market leader.
LoRaWAN™ offers you the flexibility in network deployment models. Industries have the choice to either use their own private LoRaWAN™ networks or to leverage existing public ones. Abeeway solutions works with all connectivity providers and fully runs on Actility’s ThingPark platform which powers private enterprise networks and most of the public LoRaWAN ™ networks in the world.