Remote worker safety monitoring and tracking
Always know where your mobile personnel are. Reduce risks for your business and employees. And provide the care that your workers need, even at the most remote job sites. Our easy-to-use people’s safety monitoring solution allows organizations to reach emergency services faster. Abeeway’s innovative geolocation features, make all these possible.
Always know where your mobile personnel are. Reduce risks for your business and employees. And provide the care that your workers need, even at the most remote job sites. Our easy-to-use people’s safety monitoring solution allows organizations to reach emergency services faster. Abeeway’s innovative geolocation features, make all these possible.
Protect your employees while they are out in the field with our small portable trackers. Quickly and accurately identify staff location and create an efficient remote assistance service offering peace of mind to the worker and management team. With Abeeway’s People’s Safety solution, create safer work environments and ensure that every worker goes home in good shape at the end of the day.
Enjoy a reliable, versatile, and adaptable service that provides accurate, responsive location and easily integrates with third-party software. We provide you the location-based services you need, whether industrial or personal, ideally suited to a diversity of use cases.
Our lone worker tracking solution is affordable, discreet, and easy to use. With the use of our accurate, portable, and rechargeable trackers we enable uninterrupted monitoring of your workforce.
Low-Power Location Trial Package
This Proof-of-Concept package allows you to quickly test with technical support the smart tracking capabilities of the Abeeway devices combined with LoRaWAN connectivity from Actility, the LoRaWAN market leader.
LoRaWAN™ offers you the flexibility in network deployment models. Industries have the choice to either use their own private LoRaWAN™ networks or to leverage existing public ones. Abeeway solutions works with all connectivity providers and fully runs on Actility’s ThingPark platform which powers private enterprise networks and most of the public LoRaWAN ™ networks in the world.